I an an economist in marketing, working on topics related to digital marketing, digital economics, platform markets and market design.
Currently, I study reputation systems to understand and improve the functioning of digital platform markets. I want to deepen our understanding of how we rate and how we interpret other’s ratings, and what platforms can do to optimize the informativeness of feedback profiles.
I am also interested in subjective performance evaluations in the field of personnel economics.
Dr. rer. pol. in Economics, 2014
University of Cologne
Diploma in Economics, 2009
University of Cologne
Our paper Social Preferences and the Informativeness of Subjective Performance Evaluations (with Dirk Sliwka) got accepted at Management Science.
I am happy to announce that I will start as an Assistant Professor of Marketing in the Rotterdam School of Management’s department of Marketing Management at Erasmus University Rotterdam in January 2024.
Today is the official start of our research project on fake reviews funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation. Together with co-PIs Matthias Greiff, Jan-Philipp KrĂĽgel and Fabian Paetzel and postdoc Janina Kraus, I am going to study the causes and effects of fake reviews and how to mitigate their negative impact. Find more information on the project’s website.
Graduate level, lectures, in English.
Undergraduate level, lectures, in German.
Graduate level, lectures and classes, in German.
Graduate level, lectures and classes, in German.
Graduate level, classes, in German.
Graduate level, seminar, in English.
Graduate level, seminar, in English and German.